When I retired and moved to Nova Scotia from rural Ontario,
I worried just a bit. Now, I definitely looked forward to the change. Change, after
all, is a good thing if one has the right attitude towards it. And Nova Scotia
is a piece of paradise. However, leaving friends and an established and full life
offered uncertainty.
I have, at
the age of almost 70 years, taken up the fiddle. And I have just purchased a
second, smaller fiddle. I am busy with a play I have written and will be
performing this fall in three different communities and three very different
venues. And I am busy with new friends. Busy exploring. Busy enjoying myself!
And retirement also means losing touch with days of the week
and hours of the day. For example, on Tuesday of this week I emailed someone
that I would see him at the Celtic jam "tomorrow", thinking tomorrow
was Thursday. (It was only Wednesday.) Then I realized my mistake. So I emailed
him that I had forgotten that it was "Monday". (It was already Tuesday.)
So I am sure I confused the hell out of him!!!! - Not to mention myself!
Where do the days go? Does it matter? They are full and
varied. They are vital and vibrant. They are simply a morsel of passing time.
Something to be taken hold of and cherished. And something to let go.