Friday, April 10, 2020

Isolation Easter 2020

Oh here you have a tale from me
There's wine in my cabinet here you see
And food in my pantry to feast on a bit
And toilet paper when I take a shit
So what more could I want in these peculiar days
Than whisky and wine and a few sun's rays
A walk now and then on a neighbourhood street
Makes my long day a little more complete
And I've waved at the people whom I have seen
But I cross the street - not to be mean
I keep my distance, two meters they say
And wash my hands several times a day
I cook, and I clean, and I eat quite a lot
And email and Skype so I don't get forgot
And shop on line when I need some supplies
And listen to seagulls and love their loud cries
I watch the tide as it comes and it goes
All of this helps with my isolation woes.
But I hope and I pray, and I'll even beg
That the Bunny comes with my chocolate egg. 

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