Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Wind in my Covid Hair!

Yesterday, to my chagrin, I temporarily forgot about Covid-19. It was sunny and pleasantly warm. I was driving home with the car roof down, the wind in my hair and the sea breeze filling my nostrils.  I stopped to offer a woman a ride home with her groceries. She lives at the far end of our little village. I have met her before briefly. I am quite sure she knows who I am. 
She walks ritualistically about 3 kilometres into an adjacent town each day to pick up her groceries. And then she walks another 3 kilometres home past our house with two bags of groceries, one dangling from each hand. It's a determined and graceful walk. 
When I stopped the car beside her and uttered my offer, she looked at me in composed horror. She assumed this haughty look which settled on her face. She stepped back, and huffed: "No thank you - Covid-19!" That's all she said. Then picking up her stride, she walked briskly on her way. I caught myself and I stammered: "Oh yes, um sorry" and drove off laughing, not at her but at myself. 
The "thank you" was not a nice "thank you" either. It was a "naughty boy" thank you. Oh dear!

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