Friday, September 4, 2020

Hereafter the Heron

It has been two years since we have spotted a heron on our shore here at our home in Nova Scotia. We have seen them fly by; but we have not recently seen one strut across the beach or in the shallows as we had during our first few months here. 

Since being home we have been able to enjoy many creatures of the air and water. Two days ago, an eagle flew by close to our lower deck. In a rare occurrence, it was not being chased or hounded by a multitude of smaller birds. And it flew steadfastly with a purpose in mind.

Now that the tidal power damn has been shut down for some time, we are seeing less of the seals, but more large fish. And these have been leaping  out of the water from time to time with a loud splash. I have read that these are sturgeons. And they appear to be considerable in size.

But lets get back to the heron. There were three. That in itself is most unusual for our sightings. Indeed, it is a unique experience. 

Each of these birds varied in size. There appeared to be a female and a young one. At least, that is my presumption, albeit based on stereotypes rather than knowledge. Further down the beach was a much larger bird, presumably the male. Eventually, it became air-bound and flew towards the other two. The smallest one scurried some distance away.

Now, I must tell you that there is a debate in our household as to whether these were herons at all. John says they were egrets. Egrets are in the heron family, but they are smaller birds. Their colour is white. The herons that frequent this place are bluish grey. 

Although egrets have been seen in Nova Scotia, I have read that they are extremely rare here. In any event, my eyes tell me that none of these birds were white in colour. The two smaller ones were, I would agree, a very light grey, perhaps, if I were to be most generous, even with a dash of white. The larger one was, however, much darker, especially when it flew; its wings massive.

Sometimes it is wise not to make an issue of such petty disagreements. After all, what does it matter in the grand scheme of things, other than that one of us could claim victory in a useless dispute. What prize is that if discord were to result.

Anyway, as our anniversary is looming, one should not dampen such a celebration. 

Nonetheless,I have prepared a card for the day saying:

"Heron lies a tail of love with no egrets

Perhaps I am walking, like the heron, in shallow ground.

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